Monday, October 20, 2014

Bipolar Accomplace: March Hare

 Now to celebrate an unbirthday, you'll need a cup of tea and a couple of mad people to go around. In this Halloween movie blog we will look at the way in which the March Hare, an accompaniment of the Mad Hatter has also paved its ay into society.

 In Victorian England anyone who was a considered a March Hare often had many problems pertaining to their behavior. This could mean they get easily excited and unpredictable like a Hare in its breeding season. It runs along the similar lines of people who suffer from bipolar disorder. There are many people today who are generally affected by the disease such as famous musicians and actors who have joked or mentioned it in their lifetime. Some famous bipolar actors include Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Emilie Autumn, and Russell Brand are some of the people who suffer from this mental disorder.

 When bipolar disorder was discovered by the Ancient Greeks as a form of melancholic depression, many doctors in the Victorian Era would give lithium salt to their patients to bring them out of a manic state if they suffered from this particular diagnosis. Most people who were often diagnosed with bipolar disorder happened to be women who had no children in their marriage or facilitated in vulgar activities like facilitating women's rights. Any women who was considered mad, melancholic or delirious would be sent to the insane asylum, at least that is what Emilie Autumn sings about when she displaces mental disorders with Victorian Era psychology and the women's suffrage movements of the time period.
 So the next time someone mentions the March Hare, you might suspect they are in fact trying to elaborate an argument on bipolar disorder. However, if you do have this mental disorder and it is left untreated, it is best you go and see a doctor or call a suicide prevention hotline. For most eccentric bipolar people like our friendly March Hare, don't be late for teatime.

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