Friday, October 31, 2014

Addams and the Munsters: Perfect Family for the Problematic People

 The Addams family is a normal American family where their children are often seen as strange and unusual, problems with the law, readers who are interested in deaths caused by disease or mysterious Earthly creations like the Bermuda Triangle. The Munsters family are a family who recently moved from Transylvania to America and are trying to co-operate with the normal day life of being a monster family. The Munsters were based on the classical Halloween monsters , such as those of Dracula, Frankenstein and the Wolfman, while the Addams family represents the normal American person who might be a possible homicidal maniac. But why are these families so prominent in the everyday interaction of people during October? Well, it could be that they are just like us.
 The Addams family were originally created by a man known as Charles Addams, he created the cartoon version of the Addams family which then led to the creation of the Addams family TV series with Carolyn Jones as the beautiful Moritica, the love of Gomez's life and is often excited by her bouts of French words and phrases. Their children, Wednesday and Pugsley are often seen playing in the front yard or beheading dolls. Wednesday is a bright and intelligent young girl who has an obsession with spiders and has a pet tarantula named Homer. Her brother, Pugsley is often getting in trouble with the cops. In the movie Addams Family Values (1993), he is on probation when he goes to the summer camp with his sister. All the family members in the Addams family have psychopathic tendencies. Their philosophy is often carved on the tomb of the original makers of the Addams family tree known as, Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc! (We gladly feat on those who would subdue us!). That being said, most of the relatives in the Addams family tree come from forms of incest within family members or from other clans who are much similar to the Addams family.

 The Munsters are a wealthy monster family who recently moved from Transylvania. The father is Herman Munster, the creation of Dr. Frankenstein and his wife is Lily Munster who is the daughter of Dracula. Their son is named Eddie and he is a young werewolf who is entering grade school. Their cousin is named Marylin to represent the infamous movie star Marylin Monroe who was an iconic sex symbol of the 1960s. She is often seen as the ugly duckling because she does not have the beautiful features of Lily Munster. Although many boys are seen flocking to Marylin due to her good looks, they're often scared away when Herman answers the door. This is a typical monster family that represents many of the social outcasts that might have suffered from the same social shunning of society because they are different in looks, ideas, and understanding of culture.

 The importance of these Halloween families shows the impact on how a normal family would be assoicated in the culture that has been changed and modified to fit new social habits.  Wednesday and Pugsley may not be the best students or children in an American family, but the importance shows that the children are loved by their parents and follow the rules of the adults since both Wednesday and Puglsey make their parents very proud. The Munsters might be similar to a family who has recently moved in or out of state and are having difficulty or managing to find a balance between their life and the life of other people. They challenge the ways that American society has been structured by technology and what it means for a family who has recently moved to a new place, to adjust to their new surroundings even if that means you have to break a few mirrors with your downright good looks. Both of these iconic television families might not meet the normal standards of the American society, but TV sure says that they are definitely living their true American dream. Plus who doesn't agree that Moritica has some sense around the concept of normal when being normal is utter chaos.

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